Thursday, March 8, 2007

more news

The murder of Tara Grant and Comerica peacing out of Detroit are the ones that have the most coverage since these issues are under the "continously updated" section.

The coverage on Tara Grant wasn't needed. They quickly recapped everything that has happened...again, and then the writer focused on what the husband did his lawyer and more pointless information. Just reading what his punishment is for messing up is enough. I don't care about his past life and I don't really care if his lawyer left him and now he has a new one. The article gave out the facts, but it was facts that were not important in my eyes.

There wasn't a link for Ann Arbor, so I went to Canton's local news. So there is an article about someone's cat that survived a heat the hell is that important? I don't give a flying rat's ass about a damn cat who has been spayed and is an old ball of walking fur. There is another article about a Kevin Boyle, author for the book "Arc of Justice: a Saga of Race, Civil Rights and Murder in the Jazz Age". The book is about race during the 1920's , and Boyle is going to be speaking at the Canton public library to help bring the story's subject come to life. I guess that's pretty neat to go and check out, but not cool enough to make me want to drive to Canton.

To be honest, there is NOTHING on this page that REALLY pulls me in enough to make me want to look it up more. I don't want to sit here and bullshit about a topic that I could care less about, because I will not put enough effort into making a good paper. I know something has happened in Ann Arbor, that all of Pfizer is shutting down and relocating (i think it's relocating). I found out about it from my dad, because he works with Pfizer and now he's out of a job along with A LOT of other people. I moved here a couple of years ago because pfizer bought out my dad's old pharmacy company which forced everyone to move here, and now that this has happened my dad is going to have to hunt for another job somewhere else. It's really not cool that it's happened, and i don't know the full story as to why Pfizer is doing something so extreme and I want to do some reasearch on that. If I don't follow through with this, I'll eventually figure it out.

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