Sunday, February 18, 2007

Friday night movie.

I went to see Pan's Labyrinth at the State Theater on Friday, and I was prepared to spill countless tears of fear while hiding behind my hands. At least, that was what I was expecting to do. Instead of the movie being scary, it was more of a disturbing film with people getting bloody and girl who is involved in a fantasy world. Since I'm a pussy when it comes to anything bloody, a fourth of the time involved my friend saying "Ewwwww" while I was hiding behind my hands crying "Is it over yet?". When we weren't in one of our episodes, we were awkardly sitting in seats that were too close for comfort while munching away at a cheap bag of popcorn and chugging down a cold root beer (the only plus about State Theater is the cheaper snacks and tickets). The film was pretty good in an odd way. If you're into eery and bizarre films with a touch of gore, then put Pan's Labyrinth on your 'to do' list.

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